Community Education and Information
Community educational forums on issues pertinent to watershed science, resource management and local heritage.
Project Status: Active Project
Funding Status: Funded
Priority: Med
Project Lead:
Hanalei WaterShed Hui
Limu Coalition
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Public and Private Schools
Univerisity of Hawaii
US Environmental Protection Agency
US Geological Survey
Waipa Foundation
Plan of Action:
Inform agencies of our interest in hearing their experts. Identify and invite experts in instream bioassessment, alien and native plants, fishery management, water quality, historical sites, hunting and gathering, taro support and other pertinent issues.
HHR Community Forums:
6/2000 Talking Heads, local WQ issues
7/2000 LTEMP training (3 forums)
7/2000 DU-Objectives in Hawaii
8/2000 Ahupua'a Health (GIS)
9/2000 DU Stabilize cutoff
11/2000 Mo'omomi Fishery
12/2000 HHR vision Conference
1/2001 WQ testing
2/2001 Conserving our Coral Reefs
2/2001 Ahupua'a Restoration
3/2001 Wahi Pana, protocol for sacred places
3/2001 Aquaculture in Hawaii
3/01 FWS Critical Habitat Newcombs Snail
4/2001 DLNR Archaeology of Halele'a
5/2001 Kauai Public Land Trust
6/2001 The Hawaiian Stream
8/2001 DLNR DAR Hanalei Bay fishing discussion
8/2001 Kauai Coastal Zone Management Ordinance
9/2001 Land Stewardship
10/2001 Dengue Fever
10/2001 Conservation in our Future Designs
11/2001 Revised FEMA Flood Maps for Hanalei
4/2002 Route #560 25 year plan
4/2002 Hawaiian Plants
8/2002 Forestry in Hawaii
10/2002 Hawaiian Birds
11/2002 Lo'i Restoration Project
1/2003 Hanalei Planning Practicum
2/2003 Wahi Pana of Halele'a
3/2003 Hawaii Aquaculture
4/2003 Native Fish of Hanalei
5/2003 Water Quality Concerns in Hanalei
5/2003 Wastewater Options for Hanalei
7/2003The Ahupua'a as a Watershed Management Model
9/2003 Coral Reef Health
2/2004 Cruise Ship impacts on marine resources
3/2004 Wastewater Solutions for Hanalei
4/2-04 Lumahai Valley Proposal
1998 to present HWH produces quarterly newsletters
August 20, 2011 - DLNR Kaua‘i Public Listening Session
September 14, 2011 - Hanalei, Mauka to Makai
December 13, 2012 - Briefing on Coral Disease Outbreak
December 13, 2012 - Presentation on the Watershed Management Plan
April 15, 2016 - Earth Day at PMRF
June 04, 2016 - Get Ready Halele'a