Monitor Water Quality and the Biota in Hanalei River and Bay
Monitor water quality and the biota in the Hanalei River, Hanalei Bay and the other 3 streams entering the Bay. Measure the bacteria, turbidity, and nutrients in the waters of Hanalei on a regular basis. Conduct regular sampling for o'opu, their larvae and the juveniles.
Project Status: Completed Project
Funding Status: Funded
Priority: Med
Project Lead:
Hanalei WaterShed Hui
AECOS Incorporated
University of Washington
US Environmental Protection Agency
Waipa Foundation
Plan of Action:
On a weekly basis measure entrococcus indicator bacteria and turbidity in the waters of Hanalei.
On a monthly basis measure the above plus nutrients and total suspended sediment.
On a weekly basis conduct Long Term Ecological Monitoring Program surveys of O'opu.
Accomplishments :
EPA Targeted Watershed Initiative supports monitoring
Bacteria data collected regularly since 2001
Turbidity data collected regularly since 2003
LTEMP done regularly since 2000
Data presented at local meetings, annual meeting of Hawaii Conservation Conference and at EPA Watershed Initiative meeting.