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River’s Meander-Cutoff Repair - KEYSTONE
Repair cutoff in a way that will provide water to farmers/refuge and provide for healthy instream ecosystem
Project Status: Completed Project
Funding Status: Partially Funded
Priority: Med
Project Lead:
Kauai Taro Growers Association
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Dept. of Land and Natural Resources
Ducks Unlimited
US Army Corps of Engineers
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Plan of Action:
Continue discussions & public awareness
Gauge FWS intake & instream flow
DU to complete engineering
9/99 HHR forum to devise low-tech plan
3/00 FWS to gauge/monitor intake/outfall (not functioning as of 6/03)
03/01 DU hired for engineering
1/04 DU developed plan to mitigate
7/04 No progress to date on fix
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