Watershed Master Plan - KEYSTONE
Comprehensive, community plan to define & maximize sustainable interaction with the ahupua'a mauka to makai (mountains to sea).
Watershed Management Plan for Hanalei Bay Watershed
Volume 1: Watershed Characterization (October 2012) (41 MB - large file)
Volume 2: Strategies and Implementation (December 2012) (6 MB)
Volume 2: Strategies and Implementation (Revised, April 2013) (12 MB)
Project Status: Completed Project
Funding Status: Funded
Priority: High
Project Lead:
Hanalei WaterShed Hui
Natural Resources Conservation Service
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Dept. of Land and Natural Resources
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Sea Grant
University of Hawaii
US Army Corps of Engineers
US Fish and Wildlife Service
US Geological Survey
Plan of Action:
(Develop scope of work)
(Develop GIS strategy)
(Inventory & Assessment, do & publish)
(Resource task force)
(Community Education)
NRCS Cooperative River Basin Study
FWS Comprehensive Conservation Plan
3/00-Task force commitments, FWS/HHR to do prelim. Scoping meeting
9/02 NRCS Funds UH Practicum
2003 NRCS and USGS fund upper watershed mapping and resource inventory
9/03 NRCS began AnnAGNPS process for component of CRBS
2003-2004 preliminary wetland studies
2004 HWH developed strategic plan
2006 USFWS CCP scoping to begin
2007 CCP to begin
June 06, 2012 - Hanalei Bay Watershed Public Meeting
December 13, 2012 - Presentation on the Watershed Management Plan