Support Taro
Hanalei Valley produces (67%) 71% of Hawaii's taro, providing a unique and stunning cultural landscape, rural setting, open space, and native endangered waterbird habitat.
Project Status: Active Project
Funding Status: Not Funded
Priority: Med
Project Lead:
Hanalei WaterShed Hui
Plan of Action:
Community awareness and education
Government and scientific communications
Taro in school lunch program
Taro value added product promotion
Accomplishments :
2000-02 Poi page in newsletter
1998 to present Advocacy for expansion of taro production in Hanalei Valley
2000, 2002 Taro festival participation
1999 to present HWH provides water quality information as appropriate
2003 to present HWH partners with farmers and USFWS in the development of BMP's for sediment control