Sediment Control - KEYSTONE
Design and implement a sediment load and budget study in the Hanalei River watershed.
Project Status: Active Project
Funding Status: Partially Funded
Priority: Med
Project Lead:
Hanalei WaterShed Hui
US Fish and Wildlife Service
US Geological Survey
Waipa Foundation
Natural Resources Conservation Service
Univerisity of Hawaii
US Fish and Wildlife Service
Waipa Foundation
Plan of Action:
Implement BMPs for sediment control
Monitor turbidity, flow, sediment load
Accomplishments :
USGS real-time flow gauge installed
2003-04 Weekly turbidity measurements collected
9/03 HWH monitoring flow, turbidity and sediment load monthly
1/04 USGS installed sediment sampler
5/04 AnnAGNPS model training by NRCS
6/04 Radiometers installed at two locations on Hanalei River