Coral Reef Ecosystem monitoring
Transect studies of coral reef benthic communities, coral reef associated fishes, and coral recruitment.
Project Status: Active Project
Funding Status: Funded
Priority: Med
Project Lead:
Dept. of Land and Natural Resources
Hanalei WaterShed Hui
National Ocean and Atmospheric Administration
University of Hawaii
Hawaii Coral Reef Initiative
US Environmental Protection Agency
Plan of Action:
Utilize Friedlanders permanent transect sites for additional surveys
Install coral recruitment plates in Hanalei Bay
Accomplishments :
EPA Targeted Watershed Initiative supports U.H.
CRAMP reef monitoring in 2003 and 2004.
Coral larval recruitment panels set out in summers of 2003 and 2004.
Dr. Alan Friedlander re-surveys transects done in 1994 and 1999 for long-term trends study of reef and reef fishes.