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Riparian Stabilization/ Enhancement

Remove invasive plants/restore native or appropriate species, mitigate human impacts.

Project Status: Completed Project

Funding Status: Partially Funded

Priority: Low

Project Lead: 

Hanalei WaterShed Hui

Plan of Action: 

A-Hau removal/maintenance pilot project- find funding (applied-EPA 5 star grant)

B-Rte.560 Riparian Corridor Vegetation Maint. pilot- Identify native groundcovers, develop nursery, coordinate DOT/volunteers, develop a flora/fauna handbook with school children.

C-Interpretive signs


3/00 A-Prelim. Scope done

1/02-1/03 National Fish and Wildlife Foundation Grant for Hau Bush Removal and Native Plant Restoration

2002 Hanalei Elementary SchoolFlora/Fauna Handbook in progress( not published)

2001 and 2004 HWH explores potential of Innovative Readiness Training project to remove hau bush from riparian zone of Hanalei River.

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